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Hotel Dolce Vita Resort

Make your stay memorable

Dolce Vita Hotel Resort is a modern Hotel located in Kigobe Sud quarter; Avenue Mwungo, N° 43 near the U.S Embassy, Bujumbura-Burundi.

At Hotel Dolce Vita Resort, every moment is crafted to create memories that linger long after your departure. Come, experience the epitome of luxury and tranquility, where the sea whispers secrets and the sunsets are a canvas of dreams. Your escape to paradise begins here.

Dolce Vita Hotel Resort is a modern Hotel. It is in Kigobe Sud quarter; Avenue Mwungo, N° 43 near the U.S Embassy, Bujumbura-Burundi. To five kilometers from Bujumbura International Airport and less than three kilometers from the downtown, Burundian Musée Vivant.

It's also five minutes from Lake Tanganyika by car. Furthermore, the Hotel welcomes travelers and tourists from different corners of the world.

With its spacious, luxurious, and comfortable rooms; the restaurant and bar are enjoyable for all tastes.

Payment of all services can be done by credit card, bank transfer or cash.

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